Why you should try the Wildlife Photography Tour twice

Hey everyone, this week we will be talking about our wildlife photography tour and why you should try to do it twice. You probably think you know the answer to this “of course you want us to book it twice, that’s twice as much profit for you”. Actually, that is not why. I will explain the actual reason for joining our van life adventure twice.

First off, let’s start by telling you when you should come. Of course, you can come any time of the year, but if you want the best of the best,  my advice would be a visit in April and one visit in October. Why these two months you may think.

The simplest way to say it: October is mammal mating season and may is bird breeding season.

Let’s compare the two in a little more depth. We will start with October. October is the peek rutting season for deer in Belgium, in this month red deer rutting and roe deer rutting overlap, which makes for a lot of action. Another thing that happens in October is seal pups. The pups that were born in neighbouring countries make their way to Belgium for the first time and they make for some amazing photographic opportunities. Bunnies are also born around this time a year.

In the birding world, October is about the time when most birds are on their way to their wintering grounds, it is the absolute best month for bird migration and finding and photographing rarities.

The weather isn’t the best, but it is also not the worst. It is great for photography though because you get two seasons in a day. Winter in the mornings and fall in the afternoons.

With all this in October, why would you even come back in April right? Wrong, April is just as amazing and let me tell you why.

April is baby bird season wherever you go there will be cute balls of fluffy feathers chirping in the trees waiting for you to take photos of them. The parents will also always be around, and they will be a lot more active than usual because they need to feed some extra mouths. For more elusive birds like owls, this is the perfect opportunity to see them during the day, even night active species will start foraging during the day to find enough food. April is also when it starts getting chilly on the other side of the planet, this convinces a lot of the species there to migrate to this side where it is just starting to get warmer.

Enough about the birds, because there are some other reasons to come too. Nature is flourishing around this time and big flower meadows like in Hallerbos are at their best now and they make amazing back grounds for photos. especially if you manage to get a baby deer in the foreground, they are also born in April!

Hopefully, you are convinced to come and visit us twice, I promise you will miss out if you don’t. And remember, returning customers get extra discounts because of our loyalty program. Until next time, and in the meantime keep on exploring!

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