10 urban exploring tips to use during our urbex photography tour

Have you ever wanted to discover ruins and abandoned places to see what treasures they hold? Or find the unfindable places around you? Advanture Photography offers you this chance by joining our Urbex Photography Tour, but how do you urbex? This guide offers you interesting tips and necessary things to keep in mind while venturing on this adventure!

  1. Wear the right clothes

Make sure you can move around easily in the clothes you wear during urban exploring. It is never wrong to bring a pair of gloves to avoid scratches or small injuries. Make sure you also have a great pair of shoes. Sneakers might be great to walk around in, they won’t protect you from sharp objects on the floor. It is recommended to buy waterproof shoes with thick soles and covered ankles.

  1. Take the right photography equipment

Lighting is not always optimal inside urbex sites, that’s why it’s essential to bring a tripod. This can help you photograph with lower shutter speeds to capture better light and avoid blur as a result of hand movement. As for lenses, we recommend the use of light telelens or a wide-angle lens.

It is likely you will have to move and climb while discovering some places. That’s why it is recommended you bring your camera backpack, so you can safely put away your equipment and still be able to move freely.

  1. Bring a flashlight

Abandoned places can have some dark corners. It is very important to be able to see where you are walking and what’s in front of you. It is advised to take two, but you can always bring a third. You can never bring enough flashlights!

  1. Know the location

Always do your research before you go out urban exploring. It is very important to be aware of the structure and the entries or exits. All this information can be found in our own Roadbook but will be available to you during the tour.

  1. Avoid going alone

While going off the beaten path, it is always a good idea to have someone accompany you. Having an urbex buddy might be useful in situations where someone needs help. Even though it is not recommended, if you are still confident enough about going alone, make sure someone is aware of where you are and how they can reach you if it’s necessary.

Leave nothing but footprints,
take nothing but pictures

  1. Explore during the day

It’s important to see where you are going in old buildings, so that’s why it’s not recommended to go out there in the dark. Darkness might trigger some senses of anxiety, which makes the urbex experience less enjoyable. Exploring during the day is always the best way.

  1. Be alert and practice caution

Urbexing always has a dangerous side. A lot of abandoned places might have started decaying, or lost their structural stability, which can lead to injury if you are not cautious with your surroundings. Luckily, the locations included in the urbex photography tour of Advanture Photography are all safe and accessible. Still, always look before you leap and keep an eye on the floor and ceiling.

  1. No souvenirs besides your pictures

Some of these abandoned locations might have some interesting things laying around (books, artefacts…), but as the golden rule in urbex sounds: leave nothing but footprints, and take nothing but pictures. Leave the location as you found it, so every urbex photographer after you can experience the same awe at some of the objects that are part of the location.

  1. Listen to your gut

It is key to use your instincts while exploring an abandoned site. You might learn all the tricks in the book, but common sense is still your most valuable skill in this situation. If something doesn’t feel safe, it probably isn’t. Avoid actions that don’t feel right, and trust your gut to guide you safely through this journey.

  1. Back home

When some pictures aren’t exactly how you wanted them to be, you can still edit them once you are back home. With tools like Photoshop, you can change some minor mistakes.